Varsinais-Suomen Yrittäjä -lehti kirjoitti tänään virtuaalisten oppimisympäristöjen mahdollisuuksista osana yritysten henkilöstö- ja turvallisuuskoulutusta.

Sattumoisin ennen kuin sain em. lehden käsiini tänään, luin Karl M. Kappin hieman aiemmin tänä vuonna julkaistua erittäin mielenkiintoista kirjaa The Gamification of Learning and Instruction: Game-based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education, josta erityisesti mieleen painui kappale, jossa esiteltiin pelillistä ratkaisua varastotyöntekijöiden turvallisuuskoulutukseen liittyen:

Sam knows first-hand just how dangerous it
can be working on a loading dock. One day, he
was unloading product from a delivery truck with
his 9,000 pound forklift when he forgot to check
behind him as he backed up. What he didn’t see
was that a co-worker had placed a stack of pallets
immediately behind him blocking his right-of-
way. As Sam’s forklift moved backward, it caught
the edge of the pallet and began to tip.
Instinctively, Sam tried to jump out of the
forklift. Unfortunately, his foot caught, the
forklift tipped all the way over on landed on him.
He saw himself being killed instantly.

Sam wasn’t hurt—not even a scratch. Of course,
he did lose one life and 100 life points for his
mistake, which made him mad because it
dropped his standings in the virtual safety
leaderboard. Sam was driving a virtual forklift in
a virtual networked simulated environment with
an instructor and four other trainees. The entire
incident took place online as part of a training
activity. After the incident, the instructor used
the opportunity to explain to the group several
points of forklift and loading dock safety. To this
day, Sam has never had a safety incident on an
actual loading dock. He contributes that record
partly to the training he has received in the
loading dock simulator.

Tarvetta tällaisille sovelluksille voi löytää hyvin monista kohteista – turvallisuuskoulutuksen pelillistäminen ja hyvässä hengessä luotu pieni kilpailuasetelma saattaa tarjota kaivattua motivaatiota muuten puisevien ja “pakollisten” harjoitusten suorittamiseen.

Kiitokset Emmi Harjulle loistavasta artikkelista – lehtijutun voi käydä lukemassa kokonaisuudessaan seuraavasta osoitteesta: